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 Fundamentals of Public Policy  posted by  member150_php   on 2/14/2009  Add Courseware to favorites Add To Favorites  
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Laws, David, and Steve Meyer, 11.002J Fundamentals of Public Policy, Fall 2004. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare),  (Accessed 09 Jul, 2010). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA

Fundamentals of Public Policy

Fall 2004

The cover of the Federalist Papers. (Image courtesy of Teaching Politics.)

Course Highlights

This course features an in-depth set of lecture notes on topics in public policy, as well as a detailed list of readings by topic. Together, they give a comprehensive look at the subject of this class.

Course Description

Fundamentals of Public Policy is an introductory course that explores policy-making as both a problem-solving process and a political process. We look at policy-making from the perspective of different focal actors and institutions, including: administrative agencies, legislators, the courts, the mass public, interest groups, and the media. We examine the interplay between policy development and institutions, and review normative and empirical models of policy-making.

Exploring these issues will require us to address questions like: How and why does something come to be seen as a "public problem" requiring a governmental response, while others fail to get attention? Why do we need public policies? What determines the content and nature of public policies? Who decides public policy priorities? Does public policy ever accomplish anything worthwhile?

*Some translations represent previous versions of courses.


Course Objectives and Scope

Fundamentals of Public Policy is an introductory course that explores policy-making as both a problem-solving process and a political process. We look at policy-making from the perspective of different focal actors and institutions, including: administrative agencies, legislators, the courts, the mass public, interest groups, and the media. We examine the interplay between policy development and institutions, and review normative and empirical models of policy-making.

Exploring these issues will require us to address questions like: How and why does something come to be seen as a "public problem" requiring a governmental response, while others fail to get attention? Why do we need public policies? What determines the content and nature of public policies? Who decides public policy priorities? Does public policy ever accomplish anything worthwhile?


This course is organized around the two weekly lecture sessions and a 1-hour recitation section. The lecture classes will delve into the primary topic for the week, covering theoretical and analytical issues as well as the substantive questions raised in the reading material. In particular, the discussion will emphasize alternative ways of examining a given topic. Students are encouraged to ask questions and offer comments in class.


The following textbook should be purchased for the course:

 Van Horn, Carl E., Donald C. Baumer, and William T. Gormley, Jr., eds. Politics and Public Policy. 3rd ed. Washington, DC: CQ Press, 2001. ISBN: 9781568024837.

Students are also required to read the daily press, choosing among: The Boston Globe, The New York Times, or the Wall Street Journal.

All the readings assignments relevant to a given week's class discussion must be read prior to that class.

Requirements and Gradings

Criteria for HASS CI Subjects: Communication intensive subjects in the humanities, arts, and social sciences should require at least 20 pages of writing divided among 3-5 assignments. Of these 3-5 assignments, at least one should be revised and resubmitted. HASS CI subjects should further offer students substantial opportunity for oral expression, through presentations, student-led discussion, or class participation. In order to guarantee sufficient attention to student writing and substantial opportunity for oral expression, the maximum number of students per section in a HASS CI subject is 18, except in the case of a subject taught without sections (where the faculty member in charge is the only instructor). In that case, enrollments can rise to 25, if a writing fellow is attached to the subject.

Grades will be determined by student performance on all of the following:

Class Participation - 25%

Students are required to attend all class sessions. Missing more than two classes without prior permission will result in automatic failure of the course regardless of other grades. Quizzes may be given at the discretion of the instructors.

Both lecture and recitation section will involve extensive student oral participation, commenting, questioning, and probing of arguments and ideas. Students will be required to prepare a group oral presentation as part of a policy exercise (see below).

Four Topical Papers and Policy Exercise (Totaling About 20 Pages) - 48%

Paper topics will be assigned. Specific due dates for the papers are noted in the syllabus and late papers will be reduced 1/2 grade per day.

The first paper will involve a rewriting exercise, with the grade being assigned after completion of the rewrite.

Policy Exercise

The final paper will include a policy exercise. The exercise focuses on the implementation stage of policy-making and is designed to give students direct experience in a policy arena that interests them. Students work in groups to conduct interviews with local individuals and organizations involved in implementing policy, collectively analyze the results of their research, and communicate their findings in an oral presentation. The policy exercise is organized through the sections where guidance will be provided to help students identify appropriate topics, organize and analyze their research, and present their findings. Further guidance will be distributed.

Final Exam (3 Hour Exam) - 27%

Grading Criteria


activities percentages

Class Participation


Four Topical Papers and Policy Exercise (Totaling about 20 Pages)


Final Exam (3 Hour Exam)



Lec # Topics key dates
1 Introduction to the Course
Why bother taking this class?
2 Fish Banks Simulation
We begin with an in-class simulation illustrating the public problems that can arise through private actions in the market place.
3 Fish Banks Simulation (cont.)  
4 What are "Public Policies?"
What is this thing we call "public policy" and why does it exist? Is there more to the "public interest" than the aggregation of self-interests or finding solutions to common problems? What is a public problem? What did we experience in the Fish Banks simulation? What could have been done to improve the outcome?
5 Designing Government?
Governments come in infinite varieties. If we could design a government from scratch, what characteristics would we like to see? How should it be organized? What "institutions" would we want to create? The American Model of governance serves as the foundation for this discussion and the rest of the course. We look at the design, distribution of authority, and relationships among legislatures, executive agencies, and the courts in the context of American federalism.
6 Models of Public Policy Decision Making
In thinking about formulating public policy, we begin by approaching the task as an exercise in technical problem solving. What is the problem? What are the most promising solutions? We then expand our thinking to include other -- sometimes powerful -- considerations that influence the choice of solutions.
1st draft of paper 1 due
Write a 1000 word op-ed essay on the lessons of the Fish Banks simulation for the Boston Globe
7 National Security Policy - Foreign Threats
Providing security from external threats is the historical role of government. We examine "who" makes national security policy.
8 National Security Policy - Domestic Threats
Does the "technical approach" really capture all the important elements of good public policy? We examine the basic concepts of security and liberty exploring how they are used to argue, validate, and legitimize policy claims. We introduce the idea of policy tradeoffs.
9 Trade and Development Policy
We move on to the basic concepts of equity, fairness, and efficiency exploring how they are used to argue, validate, and legitimize policy claims.
Revised paper 1 due

Revise your original paper as per the comments from your instructor
10 Trade and Development Policy (cont.)  
11 Environmental Policy: Pollution and Environmental Justice
When civil rights and environmental protection clash.
12 Environmental Policy: Pollution and Environmental Justice (cont.)  
13 Environmental Policy: Endangered Species
The history of the endangered species act is a history of collisions among public interests and between public interests and private interests. How did this law come to be? What does it tell us about government intent and law making?
14 Environmental Policy: Endangered Species (cont.) Paper 2 due (1600 words)
15 Energy Policy
Government can provide information (mileage, safety).
16 Health Policy  
17 Health Policy (cont.)  
18 Health Policy (cont.)  
19 Social Policy  
20 Social Policy: Allocating Rights
Government can create rights. Civil rights, property rights, privacy rights are conveyed by the government to its citizens. These rights shape and constrain policy and may be tested as times change.
Paper 3 due
Health policy issue (1600 words)
21 Social Policy (cont.)  
22 Crime Policy: A Cost-Benefit Analysis
Using public resources for the greatest public benefit.
Paper 4 due
Street level bureaucracy memo to improve service delivery, 1600 words
23 Public Health and Risk Assessment
How safe is too safe? What Price Safety?
24 Evaluating Educational Policy
Can market competition improve education? What works?
Policy exercise final paper due   Tell A Friend