Pentland, Alex, MAS.966 Digital Anthropology, Spring 2003. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed 08 Jul, 2010). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
The Hall of Heroes, an idea of digital-signal displays visible only to people wearing certain receptive glasses. (Image by Sandy Pentland.)
Course Highlights
This class contains excellent lecture notes and project proposals, highlighting possible future technologies in digital artifacts.
Course Description
Digital Anthropology is a Spring 2003 applied social science and media arts seminar, surveying the blossoming arena of digital-artifact enabled experimental sociology/anthropology. We will emphasize on both (a) Technology Testbeds – systematically deploying research lab prototypes and corporate pre-production products in a sample human organizational population and carefully observing the social consequences, and (b) Sociometrics – using digital artifacts to better observe and measure the complex social reality of interesting human systems.
Summary Description
Digital Anthropology
Digital Anthropology is a Spring 2003 applied social science and media arts seminar surveying the blossoming arena of digital-artifact enabled experimental sociology/anthropology. We will emphasize both (a) Technology Testbeds – systematically deploying research lab prototypes and corporate pre-production products in a sample human organizational population and carefully observing the social consequences, and (b) Sociometrics – using digital artifacts to better observe and measure the complex social reality of interesting human systems.
Technology Testbeds
Technology Testbeds result when multiple labs at MIT and a variety of corporate sponsors showcase their advanced prototypes and pre-production models – at MIT Sloan, MIT-generally, in our surrounding Kendall community, and even at sponsor homesites – while we closely track their social impact, observe real usage patterns over time, and systematically assess future market potential.
Sociometrics are the data and corresponding statistical analysis of social phenomena. Such metrics result from the systematic deployment of – and observation via – minimally intrusive digital artifacts which capture relevant and complex social interaction data over time.
The Zauri Initiative
Registered students in the seminar will receive a Zaurus mobile Linux® PDA for the duration of the semester. This will be our common platform for application development and trial experiments.
Expected Student Deliverables
All students are expected to:
participate in the exploratory phase of the Reality Mining project,
form teams to build novel experimental tools/artifacts and/or applications,
run at least one rigorous experiment, and
write a summary project report.
We hope this class effort will be the basis for future research and/or publications.
9 (2-4-3)
Target Student Population
We expect between 10 and 20 MAS, EE, and Sloan students. Registration will be limited by hardware and resource availability.
Interwoven Themes
Woven throughout the semester are a series of critical strategic themes and threads, including, broadly:
We will review live and historical research projects – from within and beyond MIT – all in the emerging Digital Anthropology arena:
Historical Cases of Success and Failure
Current Live Cases
Reality Mining
Project Oxygen
Paperless Classroom
MasterCard RF Payments
Speculative and Emerging Cases
Potential Speakers (Yet to Be Confirmed)
Pascal Chesnais – Project Canard and MessageMachines
Sherry Turkle – STS, Technology and Self
Keith Hampton – DUSP, Cyber Sociology
Dan Ariely – Sloan, Experimental Design
Jim Hines – Sloan Organizational Evolution
Wanda Orlikowski – Sloan, Groupware
Jonathon Cummings – Sloan, Social Network Analysis
Larry Prusak – IBM, Complexity and soc net in org
Thomas Davenport – Accenture KM
Albert Barbasi – Notre Dame, Prof of physics; "Linked"
Robert Axelrod – Agent-based Simulation
Duncan Watts – Colloquium speaker
Karen Stephenson – Netform, Corporate Anthopologist
Rick Boravoy / Fred Martin -- Spot Designs, digital nametags
Mikhak, Paradiso, Selker, Resnik, Bender, Donath, et. al.
Weekly lectures are a combination of class discussion and brainstorming. Guest speakers visited for seven lectures, and the topics are listed below.
LEC # |
1 |
Introduction and Overview
Demos |
DeVaul and Sung |
2 |
Reality Mining
Experiment Proposals |
Eagle |
3 |
Digital Anthropology Vision
Sociometer Shortcuts
Object-Media |
Bove |
4 |
Project Proposals
ThinkingTags/MemeTags/nTAGS |
Borovoy |
5 |
Project Updates
Biometric Capture Item
Electronic Publishing and Information: Organized efforts |
Bender |
6 |
Analog Anthropology |
van Maanen |
7 |
PDA as Research Tool and NetVis |
Cummings |