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Natural Sciences > Brain & Cognitive Sciences > Investigating the Neural Substrates of Remote Memo
 Investigating the Neural Substrates of Remote Memo  posted by  duggu   on 12/12/2007  Add Courseware to favorites Add To Favorites  
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Corkin, Suzanne, 9.52-A Investigating the Neural Substrates of Remote Memory using fMRI, Spring 2003. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed 08 Jul, 2010). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA

This stimulus sample is used during an experiment to identify the neural substrates of remote memory.

This stimulus sample is used during an experiment to identify the neural substrates of remote memory. (Courtesy of Corkin Laboratory, Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT.)

Course Highlights

This course explores memory retention and localization throughout the life of an individual. The student is expected to recruit subjects, understand some of their history, and produce stimuli that elicit long-term memories of the particular subject. Additionally, students are expected to scan the subjects in a functional magnetic resonance imager (fMRI). There is an extensive reading list, as well as related resources, so that readers can explore the topic further.

Course Description

This course is an investigation to distinguish episodic memory, which is memory of personal events, from semantic memory, which is general knowledge independent of time and place.

*Some translations represent previous versions of courses.



This course is an investigation to distinguish episodic memory, which is memory of personal events, from semantic memory, which is general knowledge independent of time and place. The major task is to create episodic stimuli, individually tailored for each participant, using diaries and journals, as well as interviews with the participant's friends and family members. Further, a second task is to assist with scanning the participant at MGH/MIT/HMS Martinos Center, explaining the study to the participant, preparing the participant for scanning, and administering a questionnaire after the scanning session. An additional task is to create and distribute a recruiting flyer.

There is a sequence of six assignments designed for the future researcher to start from an idea and a research question, and to proceed methodically through each step, from data collection to analysis, and finally to publication of the original work. This is a practical class that helps students develop the tools to become future researchers in the field.



  LEC #       TOPICS  
  1       Introduction and Initial Readings.  
  2       Continue readings. Design flyer and distribute it around Cambridge and Boston. Learn the definition of episodic memory (Tulving) as a basis to create the autobiographical stimuli.  
  3       Create stimuli tailored individually for each participant capturing the gist of a unique, specific event in the participant when he/she sees them inside the scanner.  
  4       Create stimuli. Scan at MGH. Learn the safety rules inside the scanner and prepare participants for scanning. Administer tests and questionnaires.  
  5       Assist with Scanning at MGH.  
  6       Interview participants' friends and family members; provide participants' friends and family members with guiding cues so that they can remember unique events that happened to the participant. Create stimuli. Scan at MGH. Learn about the scanning process.  
  7       Conduct Interviews via Telephone. Create Stimuli. Scanning at MGH.  
  8       Create Stimuli. Re-distribute Flyers.  
  9       Conduct Interviews. Re-distribute Flyers.  
  10       Create Stimuli. Re-distribute Flyers.  
  11       Scan at MGH.  
  12       Recruit Participants.  
  13       Create Stimuli. Assist with Scanning Participants at MGH.  
  14       Create Stimuli. Assist with Scanning Participants at MGH.  
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