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This material was created or adapted from material created by Notre Dame OCW faculty member, Michael A. Signer, Associate Professor, 2006. Copyright © 2007, Michael A. Signer.
Jews and Christians throughout History
Fall 2006

13th c. Statues of Synagoga and Ecclesia
from the South Portal of Strasbourg Cathedral.
Photo courtesy of flickr user Johnathon Khoo.
Course Description
In the final days of the II Vatican Council the publication of Nostra Aetate (Declaration on non-Christian Religions) reversed a negative attitude of the Catholic Church toward Judaism and the Jewish people as well as toward Muslims and Hindus. This remarkable change promoted "dialogue" with Jews, and positive changes in the ways in which Judaism was presented in Liturgy and Catechesis. Reactions from the Jewish communities were diverse: from rejection to welcoming. Subsequent documents produced by the Vatican as well as Bishops’ Conferences have brought more Jews into dialogue with the Catholic Church.
This course will explore a number of issues which emerge from the history of Christian theology: How did a negative image of Judaism develop within Christianity? In what ways did these unfavorable teachings contribute toward violence against the Jews over the centuries? What is the relationship between Christian anti-Jewish teachings and Anti-Semitism? Is there any corresponding Jewish hostility towards Christians? In what ways have Jewish authors reacted to developments within the Christian tradition?
As we survey the past, we shall also want to explore the possibilities of a more constructive theological relationship between the two communities for the future. How can Jews and Christians develop religious responses to modernity? In what senses can a study of Judaism by Christians, or Christianity by Jews, help either community to understand itself better? How can Christians and Jews develop a theology of "the other" which is not triumphalist, but empathetic and based on love and justice?
About the Professor
Rabbi Michael Signer is Director of the Notre Dame Holocaust Project, and is the Abrams Chair of Jewish Thought and Culture.
Prior to joining the faculty in 1992, he served as Professor of Jewish History at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Los Angeles.
His interest in interreligious affairs began during his doctoral studies at the Center for Medieval Studies at the University of Toronto, and he later participated in the Priest-Rabbi dialogue at St. John’s Seminary, where he and others founded the St. John's/Hebrew Union College academic exchange.
He has taught in universities in Berlin and Augsburg, and was American Jewish Committee Scholar at Catholic Institutions in Poland.
Rabbi Signer is the author and editor of five books on topics that range from Medieval Latin biblical commentaries to contemporary Jewish-Christian relations, and is one of the four authors of Dabru Emet: A Jewish Statement on Christians and Christianity.
Course Description
In the final days of the II Vatican Council the publication of Nostra Aetate (Declaration on non-Christian Religions) reversed a negative attitude of the Catholic Church toward Judaism and the Jewish people as well as toward Muslims and Hindus. This remarkable change promoted "dialogue" with Jews, and positive changes in the ways in which Judaism was presented in Liturgy and Catechesis. Reactions from the Jewish communities were diverse: from rejection to welcoming. Subsequent documents produced by the Vatican as well as Bishops’ Conferences have brought more Jews into dialogue with the Catholic Church.
This course will explore a number of issues which emerge from the history of Christian theology: How did a negative image of Judaism develop within Christianity? In what ways did these unfavorable teachings contribute toward violence against the Jews over the centuries? What is the relationship between Christian anti-Jewish teachings and Anti-Semitism? Is there any corresponding Jewish hostility towards Christians? In what ways have Jewish authors reacted to developments within the Christian tradition?
As we survey the past, we shall also want to explore the possibilities of a more constructive theological relationship between the two communities for the future. How can Jews and Christians develop religious responses to modernity? In what senses can a study of Judaism by Christians, or Christianity by Jews, help either community to understand itself better? How can Christians and Jews develop a theology of "the other" which is not triumphalist, but empathetic and based on love and justice?
Course Objectives
1. The students will be able to define and evaluate basic concepts that have been the subject of controversy between Christians and Jews.
2. The students will discern the distinctive characters of pre-modern and modern Christianity and Judaism.
3. The students will be able to reflect critically on the subject matter of the course, and evaluate how it affects their own theological ideas.
Required Textbooks
Harold W. Attridge, Hermeneia - A Critical and Historical Commentary on the Bible, The Epistle to the Hebrews
Hardcover: 437 pages.
Publisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers (April 1989)
Language: English.
ISBN-10: 0800660218.
ISBN-13: 978-0800660215
Mary C. Boys, Has God Only One Blessing? Judaism as a Source of Christian Self-Understanding
Paperback: 416 pages
Publisher: Paulist Press (March 2000)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0809139316
ISBN-13: 978-0809139316
Jeremy Cohen, Living Letters of the Law; Ideas of the Jew in Medieval Christianity (The S. Mark Taper Foundation Imprint in Jewish Studies)
Paperback: 461 pages
Publisher: University of California Press; 1 edition (November 11, 1999)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0520218701
ISBN-13: 978-0520218703
National Conference of Catholic Bishops, Catholics Remember the Holocaust
Product Code: 5-290
ISBN: 1-57455-290-2
Frymer-Kensky et. al. Christianity in Jewish Terms
Paperback: 464 pages
Publisher: Westview Press; Reprint edition (March 19, 2002)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0813365724
ISBN-13: 978-0813365725
Katharine T. Hargrove, Seeds of Reconciliation
Paperback: 256 pages
Publisher: D. & F. Scott Publishing (June 1996)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0941037401
ISBN-13: 978-0941037402
Joseph Kimhi, The Book of the Covenant
Paperback: 88 pages
Publisher: Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies (November 1998)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0888442610
ISBN-13: 978-0888442611
Hyam Maccoby, Judaism on Trial
Paperback: 245 pages
Publisher: Littman Library of Jewish Civilization; New Ed edition (June 1993)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1874774161
ISBN-13: 978-1874774167
Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Many Religions, One Covenant: Israel, Church and the World
Paperback: 113 pages
Publisher: Ignatius Press (September 1999)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0898707536
ISBN-13: 978-0898707533
Encyclopaedia Judaica Hardcover
Publisher: Keter Publishing House Ltd. (1972)
ASIN: B000ENG764
This course does not require any previous knowledge of Judaism. Therefore, some students may want more information. I recommend:
Mary C. Boys [editor], Seeing Judaism Anew: Christianity’s Sacred Obligation
Paperback: 320 pages
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. (April 28, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0742548821
ISBN-13: 978-0742548824
Adele Reinhartz, Befriending the Beloved Disciple, A Jewish Reading of the Gospel of John
Paperback: 208 pages
Publisher: Continuum International Publishing Group (October 2002)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 082641446X
ISBN-13: 978-0826414465
Michael Fishbane, Judaism Revelation and Traditions (Religious Traditions of the World Series)
Paperback: 149 pages
Publisher: HarperSanFrancisco; 1 edition (December 23, 1987)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0060626550
ISBN-13: 978-0060626556
Robert Seltzer, Jewish People: Jewish Thought
Paperback: 873 pages
Publisher: Prentice Hall (October 9, 2003)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0024089400
ISBN-13: 978-0024089403
- Unanswered Questions, Ed. Roger Brooks, Notre Dame Press, 1986
- The Church and the Nineteenth Century, Raymond Corrigan, The Bruce Publishing Company, 1938, pgs. 289-295.
- The Apostolic Fathers, ed. by Fr. Jack Sparks, Light and Life Publishing, 1978, pgs. 263-301. (Session 3)
- Melito of Sardis in The Christological Controversy, trans. and ed. by Richard A. Norris, Jr., Augsberg Fortress Press, 1980, pgs. 33-47 (Session 9)
- In Answer to the Jews, Treatises on Marriage and Other Subjects/The Fathers of the Church: A New Translation, St. Augustine, ed. Roy J. Deferrari, Catholic University of America Press, 1955, pgs. 391-413. (Session 9)
- Mekhilta de-Rabbi Ishmael, Volume II/Tractate Baodesh, ed. by Jacob Lauterbach, Jewish Publication Society, http://www.jewishpub.org/product.php?isbn=0827606788 2004, pgs. 229-236. (Session 10)
- Midrash rabbah, English, London, Soncino Press, 1939, pgs. 50-53. (Session 10)
- Bavli Gittin: Tractate Gittin, Folio 56b-57a, Soncino Talmud, 1961, http://www.come-and-hear.com (Session 10)
- Christianity in Talmud and Midrash, R. Travers Herford, Ktav Publishing House, Inc., 1975, pgs. 82-83, 118-119, 146-147, and 178-179. (Session 10)
- The Jew in the Medieval World, Jacob Rader Marcus, Atheneum Publishing, 1975, pgs. 121-157. (Session 13)
- Toward a Definition of Antisemitism, Gavin I. Langmuir, University of California Press, 1990, pgs. 263-300. (Session13)
- Soloveitchik's article in A Treasury of Tradition, ed. by Norman Lamm and Walter S. Wurzberger, Hebrew Publishing Company, 1967, pgs. 55-80. (Session 17)
- Jewish Perspectives on Christianity: Leo Baeck, Marin Buber, Franz Rosenzweig, Will Herberg, and Abraham Heschel, ed. by Fritz Rothschild, Crossroads Publishing Company, 1990, pgs. 132-153, 206-226. (Session 15, 16, 18)
- A Jewish Legal Authority Addresses Jewish-Christian Dialogue: Two Responsa of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, by Rabbi David Ellenson, The Chronicle of Hebrew Union College, Volume LII, Nos. 1&2, Fall 2000-2001. (Session 17)
- Moral Grandeur and Spiritual Audacity, Essays, Abraham Joshual Heschel, ed. by Susannah Heschel, Farrar, Straus, & Giroux, 1996, pgs. 235-285. (Session 18)
- Tractate on the Jews: The Significance of Judaism for Christian Faith, Franz Mussner: Trans. and with an introduction by Leonard Swidler, Augsberg Fortress Press, 1984, pgs. 1-52.
- Humanity at the Limit: The Impact of the Holocaust Experience on Jews and Christians, ed. by Michael A. Signer, Indiana University Press, 2000, pgs. 63-103. (Session 20)
Students should utilize the following websites for additional bibliography. They contain documentation and articles relating to problems in Jewish-Christian relations. Additional sites can be found under “links” on the instructor’s web-page.
Jewish Christian relations
Center for Christian Jewish Learning
Further Reading:
Harold W. Attridge, Hermeneia - A Critical and Historical Commentary on the Bible, The Epistle to the Hebrews
Hardcover: 437 pages.
Publisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers (April 1989)
Language: English.
ISBN-10: 0800660218.
ISBN-13: 978-0800660215
Mary C. Boys, Has God Only One Blessing? Judaism as a Source of Christian Self-Understanding
Paperback: 416 pages
Publisher: Paulist Press (March 2000)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0809139316
ISBN-13: 978-0809139316
Jeremy Cohen, Living Letters of the Law; Ideas of the Jew in Medieval Christianity (The S. Mark Taper Foundation Imprint in Jewish Studies)
Paperback: 461 pages
Publisher: University of California Press; 1 edition (November 11, 1999)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0520218701
ISBN-13: 978-0520218703
National Conference of Catholic Bishops, Catholics Remember the Holocaust
Product Code: 5-290
ISBN: 1-57455-290-2
Frymer-Kensky et. al. Christianity in Jewish Terms
Paperback: 464 pages
Publisher: Westview Press; Reprint edition (March 19, 2002)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0813365724
ISBN-13: 978-0813365725
Katharine T. Hargrove, Seeds of Reconciliation
Paperback: 256 pages
Publisher: D. & F. Scott Publishing (June 1996)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0941037401
ISBN-13: 978-0941037402
Joseph Kimhi, The Book of the Covenant
Paperback: 88 pages
Publisher: Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies (November 1998)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0888442610
ISBN-13: 978-0888442611
Hyam Maccoby, Judaism on Trial
Paperback: 245 pages
Publisher: Littman Library of Jewish Civilization; New Ed (June 1993)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1874774161
ISBN-13: 978-1874774167
Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Many Religions, One Covenant: Israel, Church and the World
Paperback: 113 pages
Publisher: Ignatius Press (September 1999)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0898707536
ISBN-13: 978-0898707533
Encyclopaedia Judaica Hardcover
Publisher: Keter Publishing House Ltd. (1972)
ASIN: B000ENG764
This course does not require any previous knowledge of Judaism. Therefore, some students may want more information. I recommend:
Mary C. Boys [editor], Seeing Judaism Anew: Christianity’s Sacred Obligation
Paperback: 320 pages
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. (April 28, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0742548821
ISBN-13: 978-0742548824
Adele Reinhartz, Befriending the Beloved Disciple, A Jewish Reading of the Gospel of John
Paperback: 208 pages
Publisher: Continuum International Publishing Group (October 2002)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 082641446X
ISBN-13: 978-0826414465
Michael Fishbane, Judaism Revelation and Traditions (Religious Traditions of the World Series)
Paperback: 149 pages
Publisher: HarperSanFrancisco; 1 edition (December 23, 1987)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0060626550
ISBN-13: 978-0060626556
Robert Seltzer, Jewish People: Jewish Thought
Paperback: 873 pages
Publisher: Prentice Hall (October 9, 2003)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0024089400
ISBN-13: 978-0024089403
- Unanswered Questions, Ed. Roger Brooks, Notre Dame Press, 1986
- The Church and the Nineteenth Century, Raymond Corrigan, The Bruce Publishing Company, 1938, pgs. 289-295.
- The Apostolic Fathers, ed. by Fr. Jack Sparks, Light and Life Publishing, 1978, pgs. 263-301. (Session 3)
- Melito of Sardis in The Christological Controversy, trans. and ed. by Richard A. Norris, Jr., Augsberg Fortress Press, 1980, pgs. 33-47 (Session 9)
- In Answer to the Jews, Treatises on Marriage and Other Subjects/The Fathers of the Church: A New Translation, St. Augustine, ed. Roy J. Deferrari, Catholic University of America Press, 1955, pgs. 391-413. (Session 9)
- Mekhilta de-Rabbi Ishmael Volume II/Tractate Baodesh, ed. by Jacob Lauterbach, Jewish Publication Society, http://www.jewishpub.org/product.php?isbn=0827606788 2004, pgs. 229-236. (Session 10)
- Midrash rabbah, English, London, Soncino Press, 1939, pgs. 50-53. (Session 10)
- Bavli Gittin Folio 56b-57a, Soncino Talmud, 1961, http://www.come-and-hear.com (Session 10)
- Christianity in Talmud and Midrash, R. Travers Herford, Ktav Publishing House, Inc., 1975, pgs. 82-83, 118-119, 146-147, and 178-179. (Session 10)
- The Jew in the Medieval World, Jacob Rader Marcus, Atheneum Publishing, 1975, pgs. 121-157. (Session 13)
- Toward a Definition of Antisemitism, Gavin I. Langmuir, University of California Press, 1990, pgs. 263-300. (Session13)
- Soloveitchik's article in A Treasury of Tradition, ed. by Norman Lamm and Walter S. Wurzberger, Hebrew Publishing Company, 1967, pgs. 55-80. (Session 17)
- Jewish Perspectives on Christianity: Leo Baeck, Marin Buber, Franz Rosenzweig, Will Herberg, and Abraham Heschel, ed. by Fritz Rothschild, Crossroads Publishing Company, 1990, pgs. 132-153, 206-226. (Session 15, 16, 18)
- A Jewish Legal Authority Addresses Jewish-Christian Dialogue: Two Responsa of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, by Rabbi David Ellenson, The Chronicle of Hebrew Union College, Volume LII, Nos. 1&2, Fall 2000-2001. (Session 17)
- Moral Grandeur and Spiritual Audacity, Essays, Abraham Joshual Heschel, ed. by Susannah Heschel, Farrar, Straus, & Giroux, 1996, pgs. 235-285. (Session 18)
- Tractate on the Jews: The Significance of Judaism for Christian Faith, Franz Mussner: Trans. and with an introduction by Leonard Swidler, Augsberg Fortress Press, 1984, pgs. 1-52.
- Humanity at the Limit: The Impact of the Holocaust Experience on Jews and Christians, ed. by Michael A. Signer, Indiana University Press, 2000, pgs. 63-103. (Session 20)
Students should utilize the following websites for additional bibliography. They contain documentation and articles relating to problems in Jewish-Christian relations. Additional sites can be found under “links” on the instructor’s web-page.
Jewish Christian relations
Center for Christian Jewish Learning
This material was created or adapted from material created by Notre Dame OCW faculty member, Michael A. Signer, Associate Professor, 2006. Copyright © 2007, Michael A. Signer.
Students should utilize the following websites for additional bibliography. They contain documentation and articles relating to problems in Jewish-Christian relations. Additional sites can be found under “links” on the instructor’s web-page.
Jewish Christian relations
Center for Christian Jewish Learning
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