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Natural Sciences > Brain & Cognitive Sciences > Affective Priming at Short and Extremely Short Exp
 Affective Priming at Short and Extremely Short Exp  posted by  duggu   on 12/12/2007  Add Courseware to favorites Add To Favorites  
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Corkin, Suzanne, 9.51 Affective Priming at Short and Extremely Short Exposures, Spring 2003. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed 08 Jul, 2010). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA

Example of stimuli used: primes (left), mask (center), target (right).

Example of stimuli used: primes (left), mask (center), target (right). (Images courtesy of Irit Rappley.)

Course Highlights

This course is an experimental course in which students perform experiments and present their findings at a scientific conference. The site includes assignments and an extensive reading list in the field of priming, tailored for upperclass undergraduates.

Course Description

This course is an investigation of affective priming and creation of rigorously counterbalanced, fully computerized testing paradigm. Includes background readings, study design, counterbalancing, study execution, data analysis, presentation of poster, and final paper.


*Some translations represent previous versions of courses


This course is an investigation of affective priming and creation of rigorously counterbalanced, fully computerized testing paradigm. Includes background readings, study design, counterbalancing, study execution, data analysis, presentation of poster, and final paper.

The three experiments are designed for students to develop new stimuli, and to validate all of those stimuli in subjects of various ages prior to functional MRI scanning. Students develop probe trials to make sure that there is enough time between the stimuli presentations so that the fMRI can discriminate the signals.

Experiment 1

Pilot experiment to validate stimuli.

Experiment 2

Second-level experiment in the target population with controls before scanning.

Experiment 3

The full experiment, including stimuli developed in the first two experiments, performed with control subjects in an fMRI.



Produce a poster describing the experiment and intermediate results. Poster should include introduction, materials, methods, and results for Experiment 1 and Experiment 2, as well as discussion of both. Poster can be printed on a single 48in X 48in sheet or on multiple 8.5in X 11in sheets.

Final Paper

Produce a final paper describing Experiments 1, 2, and 3. Paper should include introduction, materials, methods, results, and discussion for each experiment, as well as a final discussion of the significance of the three experiments together. Paper should be 15-20 pages long, double-spaced.




  1       Introduction and Initial Readings        
  2       Refine Literature Search, Continue Readings        
  3       Readings, Discussion of Possible Design Options        
  4       Design and Counterbalancing       Exp. 1: Rigorously counterbalanced and controlled version of previous affective priming experiments.
  5       Finish Design and Counterbalancing, Exp. 1. Design and Counterbalancing       Exp. 2: Minimum exposure test.
  6       Finish Design and Counterbalancing, Exp. 2. Pilot Exp. 1, Exp. 2        
  7       Run Exp. 1, Exp. 2        
  8       Data Analysis, Exp. 1        
  9       Data Analysis, Exp. 2        
  10       Design and Counterbalancing       Exp. 3: Same as Exp. 1 with new question.
Assignment 1 due
  11       Design and Counterbalancing, Exp. 3        
  12       Run Exp. 3, Continue Exp. 2        
  13       Data Analysis, Exp. 3 and New Data for Exp. 2        
  14       Final Data Analysis       Assignment 2 due.
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