Lecture 1: (August 31, 1998)
Introduction to the Course: What is History of Art?
Lecture 2: (September 2, 1998)
Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic Art
Lecture 3: (September 4, 1998)
Near Eastern Art I: Mesopotamia: Sumer, Akkad, and Babylonia, (3rd to early 2nd mill. B.C.)
Lecture 4: (September 9, 1998)
Near Eastern Art II: Assyria
Lecture 5: (September 11, 1998)
Egypt I: Predynastic and Old Kingdom
Lecture 6: (September 14, 1998)
Egyptian Art II
Lecture 7: (September 16, 1998)
no notes
Lecture 8: (September 21, 1998)
Aegean Art
Lecture 9: (September 23, 1998)
Geometric and Archaic Vase painting sculpture
Lecture 10: (September 25, 1998)
Greek Archaic Period. Architecture and Architectual Sculpture
Lecture 11: (September 28, 1998)
Greek High Classical Architecture and Sculpture. The Athenian Acropolis
Lecture 12: (September 30, 1998)
Greek Fourth Century (Late Classical)
Lecture 13: (October 2, 1998)
Greek Hellenistic Art
Lecture 14: (October 5, 1998)
Etruscan and Roman Republican Art and Architecture
Lecture 15: (October 7, 1998)
Roman Art and Architecture: The Early Empire
Lecture 16: (October 9, 1998)
Architecture of the Early and High Roman Empire
Lecture 17: (October 12, 1998)
Roman Sculpture of the Eartly and High Empire: Narrative Relief and Portraiture
Lecture 18: (October 14, 1998)
Roman Painting
Lecture 19 (October 16, 1998)
The Late Roman Empire (200-400 A.D.)
Lecture 20 (October 21, 1998)
no notes
Lecture 21 (October 26, 1998)
Early Christian Death and Salvation
Lecture 22 (October 28, 1998)
Constantine and Early Christian Architecture
Lecture 23 (October 30, 1998)
Early Christian Images: Narrative and Symbol
Lecture 24 (November 2, 1998)
Byzantine Art Under Justinian: The Hagia Sophi
Lecture 25 (November 4, 1998)
Lecture 26 (November 6, 1998)
Icons and Iconclasm: The Second Golden Age of Byzantine Art and Architecture
Lecture 27 (November 9, 1998)
Art of Islam
Lecture 28 (November 11, 1998)
Art of the Migrations (Early Medieval Art)
Lecture 29 (November 13, 1998)
Charlemagne and the Carolingians
The Idea of Renovatio, Church Reform
Lecture 30 (November 18, 1998)
The Pilgrimage Road
Lecture 31 (November 20, 1998)
Romanesque Sculpture
Lecture 32 (November 23, 1998)
The Cluniacs and the Cistercians
Lecture 33 (November 25, 1998)
Gothic Architecture. The Beginnings. Abbot Suger and the Abbey of St.-Denis. Early Gothic Experimentation at Laon and Paris Cathedrals
Lecture 34 (November 30, 1998)
French Gothic Architecture. High Gothic (1194-1231). The Cathedral of Chartres
Lecture 35 (December 2, 1998)
French Gothic Architecture
Rayonnant and Flamboyant Periods
Lecture 36 (December 4, 1998)
Gothic Sculpture
Lecture 37 (December 7, 1998)
The Romanesque and Gothic Imagery
Lecture 38 (December 9, 1998)
Non-French Gothic Architecture