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Fall 2005

Basolateral lipid transporters.
Basolateral lipid transporters. (Figure by Dr. Martin Carey.)

Course Highlights

This course features a selection of downloadable lecture notes.

Course Description

The most recent knowledge of the anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, biophysics, and bioengineering of the gastrointestinal tract and the associated pancreatic, liver and biliary tract systems is presented and discussed. Gross and microscopic pathology and the clinical aspects of important gastroenterological diseases are then presented, with emphasis on integrating the molecular, cellular and pathophysiological aspects of the disease processes to their related symptoms and signs.


Course Overview

The course is highlighted by selected patient presentations in clinic and mini-case format which demonstrate how an understanding of the basic and clinical sciences of gastroenterology is essential to rational diagnosis and therapeutic decisions. Throughout the course, formal lectures are given by the core faculty with some guest lectures by local experts. Selected seminars are conducted by students with supervision by faculty members.

Course Requirements

In addition to the required readings, there are five assignments, a midterm exam and a final exam.

Lab Assignments

All of the laboratory activities require active participation on your part. Each lab session begins in the classroom with review of the laboratory assignment for the day. The assignments are distributed a few days before each lab session, and consist of a small set of questions related to the topics under discussion in the course. You are expected to answer the question before each session. Hand in your answers and be prepared to discuss each question in class. Please make sure you allow yourself enough time to complete these assignments because some questions may require additional reading or examination of microscopic slides. Although your responses will not be individually graded, the quality of your work and the level of your participation in the labs will be considered in the final evaluation for the course.

Student Seminars

During the course, each student is required to prepare and present an in-depth review and analysis of a critical topic in gastrointestinal pathophysiology to a group of his/her peers. The overall objective of this exercise is for the presenter to study a specific topic in depth, to present his/her findings in a clear and concise formal presentation, and to stimulate discussion and critical analysis in the audience. For each seminar, the class will be divided into four groups, each with a faculty moderator who is also required to evaluate the quality of each presentation as part of the formal written evaluation of each student's performance in the course.


1 Introduction - Dr. Martin C. Carey

Overview of Embryology - Dr. Jonathan N. Glickman

Overview of Physiology - Dr. Jonathan N. Glickman
2 Gastroduodenal Pathophysiology and Disorders - Dr. Lisa L. Strate

Pathology of Esophagus and Stomach - Dr. Jonathan N. Glickman
3 Mucosal Immunology of the GI Tract - Dr. Richard S. Blumberg

Review of Assignment 1

Pathology Lab
Lab assignment 1 due
4 Motility of the Alimentary Tract - Dr. Raj K. Goyal

Lipid Digestion, Absorption and Malabsorption - Dr. Martin C. Carey
5 Minicases: Esophagus and Gastric Disorders - Dr. Daniel C. Chung

Student Seminar: The Alimentary Tract
6 Intestinal Pathophysiology Part I - Dr. Wayne I. Lencer

Intestinal Pathophysiology Part II - Dr. Wayne I. Lencer
7 Pathology of the Intestines - Dr. Jonathan N. Glickman

Review of Assignment 2

Pathology Lab
Lab assignment 2 due
8 Clinic: Inflammatory Bowel Disease - Dr. Daniel C. Chung

Minicases: Malabsorption - Dr. Daniel C. Chung
9 Gastrointestinal Neoplasms - Dr. Jonathan N. Glickman

Review of Assignment 3

Pathology Lab
Lab assignment 3 due
  Midterm Exam  
10 Review of the Exam and Mid-course Feedback

Physiological Chemistry of GI Lipids - Dr. Martin C. Carey
11 Physiology and Biochemistry of the Pancreas - Dr. Steven D. Freeman

Acute and Chronic Pancreatitis - Dr. Michael D. Apstein
12 Pathology of Pancreas and Biliary Tract - Dr. Jonathan N. Glickman

Review of Assignment 4

Pathology Lab
Lab assignment 4 due
13 Biliary Secretion, Cholestasis and Gallstone Formation

Student Seminar: Pancreas and the Biliary Tract
14 Imaging of the GI Tract - Dr. Robert H. Schapiro

Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy - Dr. Robert H. Schapiro
15 Pathology of the Liver - Dr. Jonathan N. Glickman

Review of Assignment 5

Pathology Lab
Lab assignment 5 due
16 Structure, Function and Metabolism of Plasma Lipoprotein - Dr. Cohen

Immunology of the Liver - Dr. Jack Wands
17 Jaundice and Disorders of Bilirubin Metabolism - Dr. Raymond T. Chung

Alcohol and Drug-Induced Liver Disease - Dr. Raymond T. Chung

Clinical Lab Aids in Liver Disease - Dr. Daniel C. Chung
18 Physiology and Biochemistry of the Liver - Dr. Chinweike Ukomadu

Minicases: Pancreas and Biliary Disease - Dr. Daniel C. Chung
19 Clinic: Chronic Liver Disease and Liver Transplantation

Minicases: Liver Disease - Dr. Daniel C. Chung
20 Pathophysiological Consequences of Cirrhosis - Dr. Raymond T. Chung

Student Seminar: The Liver
  Final Exam   Tell A Friend