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 Rocket Propulsion  posted by  member150_php   on 2/22/2009  Add Courseware to favorites Add To Favorites  
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Martinez-Sanchez, Manuel, 16.512 Rocket Propulsion, Fall 2005. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed 07 Jul, 2010). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA

Rocket Propulsion

Fall 2005

Delta II Rocket.
A NASA Delta II Rocket. (Image courtesy of NASA.)

Course Highlights

This course features a list of readings and a complete set of lecture notes from the course.

Course Description

This class focuses on chemical rocket propulsion systems for launch, orbital, and interplanetary flight. It studies the modeling of solid, liquid-bipropellant, and hybrid rocket engines. Thermochemistry, prediction of specific impulse, and nozzle flows including real gas and kinetic effects will also be covered. Other topics to be covered include structural constraints, propellant feed systems, turbopumps, and combustion processes in solid, liquid, and hybrid rockets.


This course builds on the rocket propulsion portion of 16.50, and adds depth in the disciplines and trade-offs related to chemical rockets. A companion course (16.522) covers the area of electric rockets, plus those small chemical rockets used for satellite propulsion.

Class Format

  • 3 lectures per week
  • Occasional recitations / reviews as needed
  • One midterm exam
  • One final exam (covering the balance of the course)
  • One weekly homework set

Combined Homework Sets 40%
Midterm Exam 30%
Final Exam 30%


1 Introduction
2 Rocket Nozzles and Thrust
3 Review of Ideal Nozzle Fluid Mechanics
4-5 Nozzle Off-Design Operation and Non-Idealities
6 Effects of Particles in Nozzle Flow
7 Convective Heat Transfer: Reynolds Analogy
8 Convective Heat Transfer: Other Effects
9 Liquid Cooling
10 Ablative Cooling, Film Cooling
11 Radiation Heat Transfer and Cooling
12 Review of Equilibrium Thermochemistry
13 Examples of Chemical Equilibrium
14 Non-Equilibrium Flows
15 Selection of Propellant Mixtures
16 Solid Propellants: Design Goals and Constraints
17-18 Solid Propellants: Other Topics
19 Liquid Propellants
20 Combustion of Liquid Propellants
21 Liquid Motors: Injection and Mixing
22 Liquid Motors: Stability (Low Frequency)
23 Liquid Motors: Stability (High Frequency)

24 Pressurization and Pump Cycles
25 Basic Turbomachine Performance
26 Turbopumps
27 Turbines
28 Mechanical Design of Turbomachinery
29 Rotordynamics Problems
30 Dynamics of Turbopump Systems: The Shuttle Engine
31 Active Control of Rockets
32 Orbital Mechanics: Review, Staging
33 Performance to LEO
34 Performance to GEO
35-36 Impulsive and Low-Thrust Maneuvers in Space
37 Future Developments   Tell A Friend