CDAE 06-Energy Alternatives
Lecture notes
Term: Spring 2004
January 26-Introduction to World Energy
Feb 2-nuclear nuclear group ppt
Feb 9-Geothermal Ground source heat pumps
Feb 23-Fossil Fuels
March 1-solar thermal and PV PV system design
March 8-hydro micro-hydro for home systems
Electricity and electro-magnetism
March 15-Spring Break: Dominica renewable energy workshop
March 22- Intro Biomass, biodiesel, wood
March 29-Wind intro, Wind overview & Cape wind, Denmark, Vermont, Wind and developing countries
April 5 Ocean: OTEC tidal/waves,
Hydrogen intro, fuel cell intro, Fuel cell cars, hydrogen disadvantages
April 12- Efficiency Vermont, Energy Efficiency
April 19- Heinberg (Party's Over), Chapter 1-3
Cornucopians/Cassandras: Why is Simon a Cornucopian?
April 26-Heinberg (Party's Over), Chapter 4-6, Cornucopians/Cassandras
May 3-Energy Policy