Environmental Steward Training
Lecture Notes, Readings and Resources for the Rutgers Environmental Steward Training Program - 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
Note: If only one resource is available for a lecture you'll be linked directly to that item, otherwise you'll reach a second page at which you can select from a list.
2009 Lecture Notes
1. Subject: Leadership Challange
Leadership and Influence (Atlantic County Session)
Lecturer: Dr. Mary Powers Nikola
2. Subject: Geology of New Jersey
Lecturer: Drs. Volkert, Monteverde, Sugarman
3. Subject: Soil and the Environment ( 8.5 MB PDF )
Lecturer: Dr. Stephanie Murphy
4. Subject: NJ Climate Change (4 MB PDF)
Lecturers: Dr. Dave Robinson
2009 EPA report for those with coastal interests:
Coastal Sensitivity to Sea-level Rise: A Focus on the Mid-Atlantic Region
5. Subject: Health and the Indoor Environment (2.5 MB PDF)
Lecturer: Dr. Joseph Ponessa
6. Storm Water Management and Rain GardensPart 1 (6 MB PDF)
Rain Gardens Part 2 (10 MB PDF)
Rain Gardens Part 3 (6MB PDF)
The Rain Garden Movie (64 MB WMV File)
Lecturers: Dr. Chris Obropta, Greg Rusciano, Amy Boyajian
7. Subject: Invasive Species: The Weeds in Nature's Garden (1.9 Mb pdf)
Plant Ecology 101 in 5 minutes (22 kb Word file)
Good web site for native meadow seed and info: ernstseed.com
NJ Supplemental Deer Fencing Program Evaluation
Lecturer: Bruce Barbour
8. Subject: The Limits of Science
Lecturer: Jan Zientek
The Limits of Science (3.4 mb pdf)
Materials to be read for discussion in class:
The Producer Strategy (4 MB PDF)
Effect of Sample Size on a "normal" distribution (20 Mb Wav(Windows movie))
Interactive site to help understand a "normal" distribution (link)
9. Wildlife and People Pt. 1 (5Mb pdf)
Wildlife and People Pt.2
Lecturer: Dr. Emile Devito
Prevention and Control of Wildlife Damage Handbook(Link)
Warning: Pesticide and supply sections are woefully out of date (1994), but the life-cycle and cultural control info is still among the best.