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Maes, Patricia, MAS.961 Ambient Intelligence, Spring 2005. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed 08 Jul, 2010). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA

Ambient Intelligence

Spring 2005

Invisible Media by David Merrill and Pattie Maes of the MIT Media Lab. (Image by Prof. Patricia Maes.)

Course Highlights

This course features extensive lecture notes as well as a set of weekly reading responses in the assignments section.

Course Description

This course will provide an overview of a new vision for Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) in which people are surrounded by intelligent and intuitive interfaces embedded in the everyday objects around them. It will focus on understanding enabling technologies and studying applications and experiments, and, to a lesser extent, it will address the socio-cultural impact. Students will read and discuss the most relevant articles in related areas: smart environments, smart networked objects, augmented and mixed realities, ubiquitous computing, pervasive computing, tangible computing, intelligent interfaces and wearable computing. Finally, they will be asked to come up with new ideas and start innovative projects in this area.


Course Overview

Ambient Intelligence envisions a world where people are surrounded by intelligent and intuitive interfaces embedded in the everyday objects around them. These interfaces recognize and respond to the presence and behavior of an individual in a personalized and relevant way.


  • Provide an overview of this new vision for HCI.
  • Read and discuss the most relevant articles in related areas: smart environments, smart networked objects, augmented + mixed realities, ubiquitous computing, pervasive computing, tangible computing, intelligent interfaces and wearable computing.
  • Focus on understanding enabling technologies and studying applications and experiments. To a lesser extent address the socio-cultural impact.
  • Come up with new ideas, start innovative projects in this area.


    1 Introduction to Ambient Intelligence

    Prof. Patricia Maes
    Intelligence Augmentation and Software Agents

    Prof. Patricia Maes
    Location Based and Context-Aware Systems

    Prof. Patricia Maes and Students 
    Interfaces With Common Sense

    Invited Speakers:
    Hugo Liu, Pushpinder Singh, and Pallavi Kaushik
    Scenarios paper due
    Ubiquitous Computing

    Prof. Patricia Maes and Students
    User Modeling, Personalization and Recommender Systems

    Prof. Patricia Maes and Students
    Tangible and Ambient Interfaces

    Prof. Patricia Maes and Students
    8 Augmented Reality/Mixed Realities

    Prof. Patricia Maes and Students
    The Meaning of Things

    Invited Speaker: Judith Donath
    Augmented Objects paper due
    10  Embedded Intelligence/Smart Objects

    Prof. Patricia Maes and Students
    11  Intelligent Environments

    Prof. Patricia Maes and Students
    12 Pervasive Computing and Wearables

    Prof. Patricia Maes and Students
    Kresge event and sponsor week

    Project presentation and paper due   Tell A Friend